California’s Skydance Animation is hard at work on a film that is called “Luck.” It’s an animated film that has built up a lot of hype. However, they’re going to be looking for a new actress after one woman recently quit.
Her reasoning? They hired the man who helped grow Pixar into one of the biggest and most successful animation companies of all time. He then went on to work for Disney, as the two merged. However, before being hired by Skydance, he was forced out at Disney amid allegations of sexual harassment.
Reports claim that he had been giving people hugs that they did not want and did not feel comfortable with, and that his behavior had lasted for decades. That cost the 62-year-old man his job at Disney, and it has now cost the film an actress who has two Oscars to her name.
“It feels very odd to me that you and your company would consider hiring someone with [his] pattern of misconduct,” she wrote in a letter explaining why she quit. “If a man has been touching women inappropriately for decades, why would a woman want to work for him if the only reason he’s not touching them inappropriately now is that it says in his contract that he must behave ‘professionally’?”
This story helps to show just how widespread sexual harassment is and how it often continues for years before any ramifications are seen. If you have been harassed at work, it is important to look into your legal options quickly. Do not put off taking a stand for your rights when they have been violated.