While there is an emphasis these days on creating inclusive, welcoming workplaces, harassment is still a far too common issue. As explained by Business News Daily, harassment is also not always easy to define. In fact, many victims are wholly unaware that it is occurring to them.
In order to sufficiently address the issue, you must first recognize it. The following are some common forms of harassment and what they entail, so you can take immediate action if it happens to you.
Sexual harassment
Both men and women can fall victim to sexual harassment in the workplace. These behaviors include invasive touching, promising a job or promotion in return for sexual activity, jokes of a sexual nature, and sharing sexually charged messages or images.
Physical harassment
Unwanted rough-housing or touching of any kind falls into the category of physical harassment. In some cases, physical harassment elevates to the level of assault or physical violence, which may necessitate intervention by law enforcement.
Verbal harassment or mental harassment
Insults, unnecessarily cruel criticism, mean-spirited jokes, and demeaning gestures are all common examples of verbal harassment. When verbal harassment is ongoing, it can even entail mental harassment, which systematically wears down a person’s self-esteem and confidence.
Harassment can occur in person, or the harasser can target the victim online via social media or email. However, it can still have a significant impact on your health and well-being, especially when you are unable to remove yourself from the situation due to work obligations.
If you believe you are experiencing harassment in the workplace, the first step is to address the harasser directly and insist they cease the offensive behavior. If they are unresponsive, follow up with your manager or human resources department for further corrective action.