When employers miscategorize you like a salaried worker instead of an hourly worker, you do not receive payment for overtime hours. This can have a significant impact on your income, but it can be difficult to determine whether your employer has classified you...
What are the different types of sexual harassment?
Victims of sexual harassment do not have to be told what it is, however, it is helpful to understand how the law defines sexual harassment and to be familiar with the legal protections victims of sexual harassment have. There are generally two types of sexual...
Defining at-will employment
At-will employment means that you can get fired for any non-illegal reason. In short, it means either side -- you or your employer -- can likely end the relationship at any time.This is different than having a contract that you work under. The contract may state the...
Document everything with sexual harassment
You're facing sexual harassment in the workplace. It happens on a regular basis. Maybe you have a boss who tries to use their position within the company to force you into a relationship. Maybe you have a coworker who constantly pesters you; you don't think they even...
What actions may constitute sexual harassment?
No concise definition of sexual harassment encompasses everything that it can be, as a wide variety of actions fall under this umbrella term. No two cases are exactly alike. Different actions can play a role or be interpreted differently depending on those...
Are things different after the #metoo movement?
The Me Too movement (#metoo) certainly brought a lot of attention to sexual harassment, especially in the workplace. Things that were going on behind the scenes suddenly came to light. People took a stand when they hadn't before. We saw people who had committed these...
When does someone have a valid wrongful termination case?
If you've been terminated from your job, it's natural to turn your immediate focus to finding a new position. While this is important, you should also focus on the details surrounding your termination.A wrongful termination is any firing that results in your employer...
Contractor misclassification is high on federal radar
For many employers, it's tempting to classify workers as independent contractors to avoid employment taxes, providing benefits or paying overtime. However, according to an article published in the Claims Journal, the federal government has gotten wise to...
UCLA releases discrimination in higher education survey
Our college institutions carry a significant burden in educating the next generation. That responsibility is stressful enough for faculty members without fearing discrimination because of age, gender, race or sexual orientation. Yet, this is a reality university...
The early signs of age discrimination at work
Any time you are faced with discrimination and work, it can be hurtful and stressful. When you first face age discrimination on the job, it can come as a shock. You may be thinking you are at your most productive and valuable, however, you are being met with comments...