In the workplace, you could face discrimination for different reasons, from your religious views to your racial background or age. In addition, it is essential to familiarize yourself with sex-based discrimination and immediately take action if you experience this...
Unique religious beliefs in the workplace
If you have unique religious beliefs, you can bring a fresh perspective to the workplace. At the same time, you may run into some issues because of your convictions. Religious discrimination can manifest in various ways, and you have to know how to address it. You...
Data on religious discrimination
If you experience discrimination as a result of your religious views, your experiences could negatively affect your life in multiple ways. For example, you could feel very uncomfortable at work or you might lose your position altogether. In addition, you could face a...
What is hair discrimination?
Many forms of discrimination still, unfortunately, exist across the nation, and this can sometimes saturate the workplace, too. Some people do not even know that they are engaging in discriminatory behavior, though. This is often the issue when it comes to hair-based...
FAQ about disability discrimination in the workplace
Disabilities vary significantly among the working population. Sometimes employers unfairly use these disabilities as a reason to fire or not hire qualified workers. Knowing the answers to these frequently asked questions can help workers determine if their job loss or...
Statistics on the characteristics of age discrimination victims
Regardless of your gender, racial background or age, you deserve to have your rights as an employee respected at your place of work. Sadly, discrimination occurs far too frequently, and it is important to take a look at age discrimination if you are approaching or...
Pregnant workers and workplace dress codes
Pregnant workers unfortunately still face workplace discrimination to this day, despite the fact that laws exist to limit these occurrences. Some of this discrimination comes in surprising forms, too. For example, even a workplace's dress code could potentially get...
Making a claim of sexual harassment in the workplace
Perhaps you have been working in an environment made increasingly uncomfortable by the behavior of a coworker. You describe this behavior as sexual harassment and are willing to file a claim over the issue. But what exactly is the law and how will the court react? A...
Features of a toxic workplace
While most people expect a job to have some challenges and difficult days, it should not rise to the level of a toxic workplace. The next step, any form of illegal discrimination, can easily happen in this type of atmosphere. In addition to legal protections, workers...
Do LGBTQ+ employees face more discrimination in the workplace?
Now that another Pride Month has come and gone, you have probably had many opportunities to reflect on the advancements LGBTQ+ people have made over the past several decades. You also have undoubtedly noticed there is a long way to go to achieve full equality in...